
Tech Ćakula #30 | Lloyds digital – Digital Labin konferencija| by IT zajednica Rijeka
The English version is at the bottom
Autor: Deborah Brakus Kršul

Članovi IT zajednice imaju priliku kupiti karte za konferenciju po 25% nižoj cijeni. Nakon profesionalnih radionica i predavanja, očekuje vas networking i nezaboravan afterparty. Ne propustite ovu priliku da se povežete s kolegama iz industrije, naučite nešto novo i budete dio ovog jedinstvenog događaja.
25% popusta uz kod: lucky-itzajednicarijeka
Digital Labin 2023: Od gusara do developera
Digital Labin, međunarodna konferencija koja okuplja profesionalce iz IT industrije, digitalne dizajnere i developere iz cijelog svijeta, ponovno se vraća u 2023. godini. Ova dvodnevna konferencija, koja će se održati u Labinu, pružit će jedinstvene radionice i inspirativne govore o posljednjim tehnologijama i praksama iz IT industrije.
Pripremite se za nevjerojatno iskustvo na nadolazećoj Digital Labin konferenciji! Ova konferencija, koja će se održati uskoro, donosi vam sve što trebate znati o najnovijim trendovima i inovacijama u digitalnom svijetu. Od uzbudljivih predavanja do interaktivnih radionica, ova konferencija je pravi izbor za sve entuzijaste tehnologije.
Konferencija se održava u Labinu, Istra, Hrvatska. Ovaj šarmantni srednjovjekovni grad s pogledom na Kvarnerski zaljev i otok Cres mjesto je održavanja konferencije. Priča se da su nekada u stanovnici Labina bili gusari, pa su se onda bavili rudarenjem.
Prilično cool, zar ne?
Konferencija će ugostiti renomirane stručnjake iz područja tehnologije koji će dijeliti svoje znanje i iskustvo. Očekujte inspirativna predavanja o umjetnoj inteligenciji, blockchain tehnologiji, internetskoj sigurnosti i još mnogo toga. Imat ćete priliku čuti najnovije informacije i trendove iz prve ruke, te se povezati s vrhunskim stručnjacima iz industrije.
Osim bogatog sadržaja, Digital Labin konferencija nudi i priliku za neformalno druženje. Networking pauze i večernji događaji omogućit će vam upoznavanje s drugim članovima IT zajednice, razmjenu ideja i izgradnju korisnih veza. Možete očekivati pun program zabave i druženja uz glazbu, hranu i piće.
Domagoj Ostović: Vizionar iza Digital Labina

Domagoj Ostović strastveni je i iskusni poduzetnik, vlasnik i CEO tvrtke Lloyds Digital iz Labina koja se bavi razvojem digitalnih proizvoda – softverskih rješenja, mobilnih aplikacija i eCommerce platformi, a specijalizirana je za automatizaciju poslovnih procesa i digitalnu transformaciju.
Tvrtka je 2022. godine uvrštena na listu 10 najboljih B2B pružatelja usluga u Hrvatskoj od strane Clutcha, vodeće svjetske IT platforme, a 2019. godine dodijeljena joj je European startup award u kategoriji Best Software developers u Hrvatskoj. Domagoj je i osnivač i direktor jedne od najvećih IT konferencija u Hrvatskoj, Digital Labin koja okuplja digitalne dizajnere, software developere i project managere iz cijele Hrvatske te dovodi neke od najzvučnijih IT imena u Istru.
Dobitnik je nagrade Istriana u kategoriji gospodarstvo za najuspješnijeg poduzetnika u Istarskoj županiji za 2022. godinu te je i potpredsjednik strukovne grupa za ICT HGK Pula.
Domagoj: S ponosom objavljujemo da smo osvojili brončanu nagradu na prestižnom natjecanju Eventex te smo rame uz rame s najvećim tech konferencijama u Europi. Ova značajna pobjeda priznanje je našem predanom radu i inovacijama koje donosimo na području digitalne tehnologije. Hvala svima koji su bili dio naše priče, ali i onima koji će to tek biti.
Radionice i govornici
Ove godine konferencija će se održati na tri pozornice – Hangar Arena (Design & UX), Mine Hall (Dev & Data) i Business Garage (PM & BizzDev). Neki od vodećih svjetskih ICT imena podijelit će svoje znanje o najnovijim trendovima iz industrije. Očekuju se govornici iz tvrtki kao što su Kiwi, Shopify, Red Collar, Cinnamon, Productive, među mnogim drugima.
Hangar Arena (Design & UX)
Ova pozornica okuplja stručnjake iz područja UX i UI dizajna. Očekujte inspirativna predavanja koja će vam pružiti uvid u najnovije industrijske trendove i savjete stručnjaka koji mijenjaju svijet. Među govornicima su Jean-François Chaine & Dust Leblanc (Operation VP & Creative Director), Marten Kuipers (Senior Designer & Art Director), Marko Lokas (VP Design), Mr. Biscuit (Consultant Design System Architect), Anton Radačić (Motion Designer), Davor Čuljak (Resonate Co-founder).
Mine Hall (Dev & Data)
Ova pozornica je namijenjena za “rudarenje znanja”. Ne propustite priliku da učite od profesionalaca u području backend razvoja, arhitekture, uzoraka i drugih dev područja. Među govornicima su Daniel Roe (Framework Lead, Nuxt), Nemanja Petrović & Milica Aleksić (Tech Lead & Senior Software Engineer), Marcel Pociot (Co-Founder and Lead-Developer), Monica Restrepo (Software Engineer), Martin Morava (CEO & Expert in software dev), Matija Puzjak & Ante Bundović (Team Leader @ Serverless Solutions Team & Team Lead @Automated Solutions Team).
Business Garage (PM & BizzDev)
Ova pozornica je namijenjena za učenje o učincima promjena na pojedince i organizacije. Pridružite se kako biste unaprijedili svoju praksu upravljanja projektima i stekli nove poslovne uvide. Među govornicima su Josip Osrečki (Head of Business Agility), Ena Grigić & Matea Zukolo (Senior Project Managers), Tomislav Vukić (Product Manager), Goran Kovačević (VP of Business Development), Tomislav Tenodi (CEO).
Masterclasses & Workshops
Digital Labin 2023 nudi niz radionica i masterclass sesija. Lideri u IT industriji pružit će moćna i uvidna znanja koja će vam pomoći da izoštrite svoje vještine i ostanete ispred igre. Među radionicama su “Front-end development: Bringing a one-page design to life” od Jérémy Minié & Deven Caron, “Speculative design: Solving the challenges of future societies” od Ilayda Küçükosmanoğlu, “Build a dynamic landing page generator in Webflow” od Uroš Mikić.
Digital Labin konferencija pruža bogato i ugodno iskustvo za sve sudionike. Bilo da ste profesionalac u IT industriji, digitalni dizajner ili developer, ova konferencija pružit će vam priliku da proširite svoje znanje, upoznate se s najnovijim trendovima u industriji i povežete se s kolegama. S obzirom na uspjeh prethodnih konferencija, nema sumnje da će Digital Labin 2023. biti još jedan veliki uspjeh. Ne propustite ovu priliku da budete dio ovog jedinstvenog događaja.
Više informacija o kartama za ovogodišnje izdanje konferencija saznajte na službenoj stranici Digital Labin.
Osigurajte svoju kartu već danas!
Always dig deeper!
Join the IT community
Members of the IT community have the opportunity to buy conference tickets at a 25% lower price. After professional workshops and lectures, networking and an unforgettable afterparty await you. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with colleagues from the industry, learn something new, and be part of this unique event.
25% discount with code: lucky-itzajednicarijeka
Digital Labin 2023: From Pirates to Developers
Digital Labin, an international conference that brings together professionals from the IT industry, digital designers, and developers from around the world, is returning again in 2023. This two-day conference, to be held in Labin, will provide unique workshops and inspirational speeches about the latest technologies and practices from the IT industry.
Prepare for an incredible experience at the upcoming Digital Labin conference! This soon-to-be-held conference brings you everything you need to know about the latest trends and innovations in the digital world. From exciting lectures to interactive workshops, this conference is the right choice for all technology enthusiasts.
The conference is held in Labin, Istria, Croatia. This charming medieval town overlooking the Kvarner Bay and the island of Cres is the venue for the conference. It is said that the inhabitants of Labin were once pirates, and then they were involved in mining.
Pretty cool, isn’t it?
The conference will host renowned experts in the field of technology who will share their knowledge and experience. Expect inspirational lectures on artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, internet security, and much more. You will have the opportunity to hear the latest information and trends firsthand, and connect with top experts from the industry.
In addition to rich content, the Digital Labin conference also offers an opportunity for informal socializing. Networking breaks and evening events will allow you to meet other members of the IT community, exchange ideas, and build useful connections. You can expect a full program of entertainment and socializing with music, food, and drinks.
Domagoj Ostović: The Visionary Behind Digital Labin
Domagoj Ostović is a passionate and experienced entrepreneur, owner and CEO of Lloyds Digital from Labin, a company that develops digital products – software solutions, mobile applications, and eCommerce platforms, specializing in business process automation and digital transformation. In 2022, the company was included in the list of the top 10 B2B service providers in Croatia by Clutch, a leading global IT platform, and in 2019, it was awarded the European startup award in the category of Best Software Developers in Croatia. Domagoj is also the founder and director of one of the largest IT conferences in Croatia, Digital Labin, which brings together digital designers, software developers, and project managers from all over Croatia and brings some of the most prominent IT names to Istria. He is the recipient of the Istriana award in the economy category for the most successful entrepreneur in the Istria County for 2022 and is also the vice president of the professional group for ICT HGK Pula.
Domagoj: We are proud to announce that we have won the bronze award at the prestigious Eventex competition and we are shoulder to shoulder with the biggest tech conferences in Europe. This significant victory is a recognition of our dedicated work and the innovations we bring in the field of digital technology. Thank you to everyone who has been part of our story, but also to those who will yet be.
Workshops and speakers
This year, the conference will be held on three stages – Hangar Arena (Design & UX), Mine Hall (Dev & Data), and Business Garage (PM & BizzDev). Some of the leading global ICT names will share their knowledge about the latest trends in the industry. Speakers from companies such as Kiwi, Shopify, Red Collar, Cinnamon, Productive, among many others, are expected.
Hangar Arena (Design & UX)
This stage brings together experts in the field of UX and UI design. Expect inspirational lectures that will give you insight into the latest industry trends and expert advice that changes the world. Among the speakers are Jean-François Chaine & Dust Leblanc (Operation VP & Creative Director), Marten Kuipers (Senior Designer & Art Director), Marko Lokas (VP Design), Mr. Biscuit (Consultant Design System Architect), Anton Radačić (Motion Designer), Davor Čuljak (Resonate Co-founder).
Mine Hall (Dev & Data)
This stage is intended for “knowledge mining”. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from professionals in the field of backend development, architecture, patterns, and other dev areas. Among the speakers are Daniel Roe (Framework Lead, Nuxt), Nemanja Petrović & Milica Aleksić (Tech Lead & Senior Software Engineer), Marcel Pociot (Co-Founder and Lead-Developer), Monica Restrepo (Software Engineer), Martin Morava (CEO & Expert in software dev), Matija Puzjak & Ante Bundović (Team Leader @ Serverless Solutions Team & Team Lead @Automated Solutions Team).
Business Garage (PM & BizzDev)
This stage is intended for learning about the effects of changes on individuals and organizations. Join to improve your project management practice and gain new business insights. Among the speakers are Josip Osrečki (Head of Business Agility), Ena Grigić & Matea Zukolo (Senior Project Managers), Tomislav Vukić (Product Manager), Goran Kovačević (VP of Business Development), Tomislav Tenodi (CEO).
Masterclasses & Workshops
Digital Labin 2023 offers a series of workshops and masterclass sessions. Leaders in the IT industry will provide powerful and insightful knowledge that will help you sharpen your skills and stay ahead of the game. Among the workshops are “Front-end development: Bringing a one-page design to life” by Jérémy Minié & Deven Caron, “Speculative design: Solving the challenges of future societies” by Ilayda Küçükosmanoğlu, “Build a dynamic landing page generator in Webflow” by Uroš Mikić.
The Digital Labin conference provides a rich and enjoyable experience for all participants. Whether you are a professional in the IT industry, a digital designer, or a developer, this conference will give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge, get acquainted with the latest trends in the industry, and connect with colleagues. Given the success of previous conferences, there is no doubt that Digital Labin 2023 will be another great success. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of this unique event.
More information about tickets for this year’s conference edition can be found on the official Digital Labin website.
Secure your ticket today!
Always dig deeper!
Proizvodnja IT zajednica Rijeka 2023.