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Bok ekipa, pozivamo svih na ljetni party kod nas u BrightDock gdje će biti super muzika, klopa, brdo craft pive/cuge i druženje IT/Digital ekipe.

Kako bismo osigurali dovoljne količine svega, dobar networking i zbog limitacije prostora, molimo vas da potvrdite svoj dolazak na hello@brightdock ili meni osobno do 4.7 sa svojim imenom i, po želji, profesijom.

Vidimo se!

Hi team, we are inviting everyone to a summer party at our place in BrightDock where there will be great music, food, loads of craft beer/booze, and mingling with IT/Digital folks.

To ensure that we have enough of everything, good networking, and due to space limitations, please confirm your attendance by emailing hello@brightdock or by reaching out to me personally by July 4th with your name and, if you wish, your profession.

See you there!

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